Page remerciements site macario VITALIS
We would like to thank the people and companies who agreed to enrich this site with their knowledge or the archives at their disposal :
Mr Yves COATIVY ( fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yves_Coativy), professor at the University of Brest, author of the article “Macario Vitalis – painter of Brittany (1898-1989)” published in the “Cahiers de l’Iroise n°221 – July-December 2015”, and precious contributor of paintings on the pictorial period “before Plestin” ;
The Municipal Cultural Office of Plestin-les-Grèves ( plestinlesgreves.bzh/ocm) as well as Mr. Raymond ESPINAR, director of the 2016 film evoking the anecdotes of Plestinais about VITALIS, and valuable contributor of archives on VITALIS presented on the site ;
For their kind permission to present images of the paintings they sold, the auction houses :
ADER (75002 PARIS) – ader-paris.fr
THIERRY & LANNON (29228 BREST Cedex 2) – thierry-lannon.com
BOISGIRARD-ANTONINI (75009 PARIS) – boisgirard-antonini.com
PESTEL-DEBORD (75009 PARIS) – pestel-debord.com